
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Down the lift and into a big alcove that had too many nooks and tunnels to attempt much of a defensible position from the lift. We were barely out in the open before trouble found us again. I was ready to scramble us back up and let Mithinu try one of them fireballs down the lift shaft but Evan and his Selune-guided powers had already gained the upper hand. We poked around a bit, found even more trouble (go figure), and somehow Slyl managed a nice one shot, quick and quiet kill on some gargoyle-like creature that was barking out orders to a small mob to stone Sharisa. Now why exactly we were attacking someone who was attacking a person that only a couple of days ago who was fully intent on blasting Evan to dust was beyond me but I was the last into battle. Afterwards is when I was most confused, Pavel moved forward to heal her lifeless body, while he was wracked with pain the clasped hands on the end of his staff opened up and after a few moments Sharisa apparently returned to life, very docile, complaint and helpful. Evidently in this transition Pavel is now without sight, I don't know for how long or if it is permanent but Lief is acting as his seeing eyes and I occasionally toss small pebbles towards Pavel's chest to try to keep him alert and heighten his battle instincts. Later we learn from Sharisa that his has become what I can only describe as reborn, she was in the act of denouncing Shar and that was the cause of the stoning, Pavel's act of kindness helped seal her convictions that Ilmater, not Shar, is where her true being belonged. We deliberated, rested and returned to the Calishite burial tomb, and against my objections Mithinu cast a spell to open the magically held door. Most of the room filled with sand and we left bad enough alone at that point. I wonder if Mithinu would have been so willing to satisfy curiosity if that had been an elven burial tomb. We did find another way out, another tunnel that was either unsafe and thus barred or a trapped dwarven retreat tunnel. We also found a shaft the went down so far we could never tell how far down the bottom was, our best guess was at least several hundred feet beyond the few hundred feet of rope combined that we had. The only other path evident was a tracked tunnel that sloped downwards into what Slyl calls the underdark. Pavel in his now blind state really put a crimp on our ability to match up his visions with the scenery that the rest of us can plainly see, but he beckoned to Ilmater for guidance and indicated that down the tracks and into the underdark is where our path leads. Pavel also had Lief pen a letter to Animosus that Sharisa is now supposedly someone to be trusted and now she and the letter are on their way back to Kurth. I think I almost miss Animosus, at least he would have had enough respect for the dead to leave some doors alone.


Blogger The Dungeon Master said...


1:52 PM  
Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Thanks for this installment of Kelestri's chronicles! Sorry that you made the trip last week when we weren't playing, but we are on for sure tomorrow! I hope both you and Kelestri will love this particular session!

7:27 PM  
Blogger Mithinu said...

We will see who respects the dead. I simply opened a door to a tomb. You could open a door to our deaths and show disrespect to all who died at the hands of the Orc scum you want to join us. Walking in a tomb is not disrespectful, but putting your friends and thousands of innocents in one is another story.

9:42 AM  

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