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Monday, July 24, 2006

The thoughts running rampant in Kelestri's head.....

Why, why, why, why, why did I listen to Animosus and agree to go with him to see the Haldoreeve. I KNEW the leaders were the most suspect. While I certainly don't question Animosus's convictions or where is allegiance lies, I am really starting to question my sanity to listen to HIS gut instincts. Has a knack for detecting evil intentions? Right now I'm not sure he has a knack for hitting water if he fell out of a damn boat. As a matter of fact the only knack I think any of us have is being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The only thing that seems to being going right that that we have a dead Haldoreeve imposter and a few dispensed Banite guards. Lief apparantly convinced the Holy High Imperceptarshole, Szchulan Darkoon, that he has switched sides....unless ... Skippy did switch sides or was duping us all along, because these foul dog looking mongrels just ripped a hole through Kylie and Skippy didn't even flinch, crap, those damnable dogs are listening to him......


Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Putting Leif in the 'crosshairs' was a classic act of in-the-moment role-playing. Worthy of a few extra XPs for sure. Of course, as others pointed out, it appeared ironic that you were the one who initially described to Leif the need for 'acting', yet you were fooled by his high caliber performance.

8:11 PM  

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