
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Monday, June 19, 2006

We've made our way to the Church of Saint Sollars and an uneasy feeling is setting into my bones very quickly. While Brother Nikolai droned on Animosus spilled forth enough information to get us all killed if anyone within earshot heard about what we know... and don't. Is he insane? I stressed to Animosus that if the wrong words reach the wrong ears our continued existance may become rather challenging. We set off to try to locate Gustav, the driver in his family's employ and ran into Animosus's family instead. His mother, Veca, gifted me with a gorgeous choker and it is not some gaudy low silver item. I had started to suspect Animosus came from station, what does he feel he has to prove, there is no shame in being born into station. His family seemed adequately informed and were taking precautions but we could not afford to delay them, or us, any longer. Upon reaching the stables we found that Gustav was being detained and for either unknown, or for unspoken reasons. If my theory holds water it will be the religious and civic leaders that will be first targetted and I wouldn't trust anyone recently appointed to so much as scoop donkey dung. Ani (Ani, isn't that a hoot) is convinced we need to warn more people and he, Evan, Lief and I went to learn of reasoning for Gustav's imprisonment. We went to speak with the Haldoreeve, Brathimus Drell about Gustav's chargings. I expected that Ani would try to warn the Haldoreeve of what we know, so I let him do all the talking. We are walking right into the lion's den if the Haldoreeve has been compromised but I still can claim that I was hired as arm candy if I keep shut and this goes down wrong. As expected Ani wants, and has, private discussion with the Haldoreeve. Since the guards released Gustav against value of the Constans name I am hoping that Brathimus still holds virtues and not just playing us out to see how much we know. Ippensheir is not even half over so maybe recent Gondar creations are part of the plan of acquisition, time will tell.


Blogger Pavel the Monk said...

Pavel sees wisdom in your theory about religious leaders being targeted first. Cut off the head- the body dies.

We already know that Evan is a target. Brother Nikolai is no pillar of strength...what is to become of him? Will they seek to turn him as well?

Pavel frets.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Kelestri said...

Do we know that Evan is a target of the overall equation, or is his plotted demise merely a coincedental personal vendetta?
I wonder if Brother Nikolai, from a Banite viewpoint, is worth the effort?
I have grave concerns as to how he could be utilized in the subversions. Missing orphans for use in Banite blood harvesting could go undetected for a long time and who would take the words of frightend orphaned children over a person of position? Did we save the children of Manyoak or just deliver them to a different location for their demise?

7:15 AM  

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