
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Kelestri's background, read as much or as little as you feel that your character and Kelestri would have the time and inclination to share. There is more background than just this but at this point none would have had sufficient time to share details of such depth. Items with asterisks have more detail and might be shared with those Kelestri becomes close with.

Kelestri, daughter of Dakavi and Belliani Umberton.**

Dakavi susccesfully led scores of men across the Great Calim Desert and thus came into favor with Grand Merchant Siundeestif. He was given more land to add to his small duchany for his service. He also accepted the frail Belliani as his wife in a prearranged marriage. Belliani was beautiful and of noble bloodline so her marriage to Dakavi came with a sizeable dowry. Their first son Beldaki, born in the spring of 1347, made their life complete.
Six years later, Belliani become round in the belly again, But this time Dakavi's world would be irrevocably shaken, this time was too much for Belliani's body to take. She died while trying to birth. A grief stricken Dakavi cut her belly open to find twins! Davani and Kelestri would grow up without much of a maternal figure as Dakavi never remarried.

The first several years of life for Davani and Kelestri were pretty unguided.
Dakavi was prone to fits of rage and depression.**
As small children Kelestri could best Davani in most everything they did, except for maybe getting cookies from the housemaids, convincing them they didn't really need another bath, or getting "one more" story at bedtime. He had them wrapped around his finger.
Several years later Beldaki vanished, no ransom demand ever surfaced.
Different people hold different views at to why.**
Kelestri and Davani believe it was because of his quiet disapproval of prearranged marriages. No one knows when or if Beldaki, heir to the Uberton holdings would return.
The leaving of Beldaki shook Dakavi enough to bring him to focus on bringing up his remaining children in a proper Calishite manner.
Dakavi started meeting with other families, actually courted the widow of a friend for a short time and became societally active again.**
Davani was better suited to talk than many in the leading families, while he was quite physically capable, his true strength was in his influence. Kelestri was a different matter, she could still outclass her brother physically and her sharp tongue caught her a lot of trouble as more and more she was expected to be of soft skin and soft word.

As time progressed Kelestri also began to notice something else, the feel of hard steel in the hands was nearly as comfortable as the feel of soft hands on her body. She would secretively train with blade in the secluded corners of estate, then return for a warm bath and muscle massage from the housemaids. One day near her seventeenth birthday, Kelestri was sneaking back into her room and found Davani and one of their housemaids...frolicking. (Apparently Davani was aware that Kelestri was sneaking out and considered her room and her housemaid "fair game".) Kelestri was shocked that Davani took his way with HER housemaid. Kelestri remembered on more than one occasion Beldaki requesting "some time with" Davani's housemaid and was aware of protocol of permission. Davani, smooth tongued as always, offered apology and the incidient was quickly forgotten, however...***
A distance grew between Dakavi and his outspoken daughter. Kelestri and Davani remained close but most of Kelestri's efforts were viewed by her father as misguided attempts at emulating the missing Beldaki. Kelestri would love to have the chance to best Beldaki right in front of her father and finally get him to understand that this is what she was cut out for.
Davani understood his sister much better than their father and was not very surprised when a few select items came up missing a few days before he found Kelestri's note.
She asked him to explain, she knew HE could explain.

Kelestri has found that her understanding of weaponry and a good strong sword arm allowed her to learn the art of blacksmithing quite easily.**
Kelestri often claims to be a traveling Chondolathan blacksmith (most of which is true). If asked about Chondolathain geography, she'll claim that she doen't get out much (a TRAVELING blacksmith... that doesn't get out much....riiiight), she knows its a crappy rouse, her brother could certainly come up with something better than that, so a sharp look and a hint of ocular flare usually gets the point of "stop asking questions" quickly.

Kelestri's skin is very warm to the touch which she tries to dismiss as part of the trade.
When angered her eyes will flicker and flare with a small amount of illumination, aware that this can happen she wears her jet black hair in long bangs and tucks her head down when angered so others might think the ocular flare is just a trick of light on their own eyes. (She has a mild amount of ocular flare but cannot keep it contained when she gets emotionally involved in a situation.)

Kelestri does have a sensitive side which can at times surface for innocent victims or those that have been ambushed. But in a clean and honorable fight there is little compassion for the underdog. She considers an ambush or first strike sneak attack underhanded, cheap and cowardly. Nice jelewry is often quick to catch her attention and if she finds out that some ring, necklace or other pretty thing has magical properites, stand back. Artistic expression is a freedom that she holds high regard for, vandals will catch her ire quickly.


Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

A rich tapestry and well reflective of Calishite traditions. I've read the extended version, and can appreciate how you've repurposed the story for your new company members.

9:47 AM  
Blogger Slyl said...

i dont know how much slyl would know..probably just a little as he doesnt think the past reflects what you will do in the future unless you continualy repeat the same actions over and over

it was an enjoyable story. very well written. see you friday

12:36 PM  
Blogger Pavel the Monk said...

So, the tough-as-metal exterior has a warm, gooey center?

Pavel might be uncomfortable speaking about sensitive items with such an assertive female, but he is a good listener and might have picked up some of this info as she spoke with others.

Pavel gathers.

12:30 PM  

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