
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Monday, August 28, 2006

As the last few days of Ippenshier draw near I am found in an interviewing process to find a blade arm. One of the boys that showed to interview had a rusted dagger not much larger than a kitchen knife, and an wooden shield that probably was an apple crate in a previous life. I'll give him points for courage, but we need serious, seasoned and equipped, or at least two of the three. I was nearly considering asking Azhedo to be my back guard when in came this moon elf. Mithinu is her name, she is quiet, respectful and not much different than Kyliel in appearance. Mithinu apparently has seen the battle ground before and has the right trappings. Her story sounds convincing enough, yet she carries no writ for such an important task, and could provide no one to vouch for her character. Evan cast some magic that would purportedly not allow a lie to go undetected. While she did not become unflapped by this precaution she still could not answer some questions without hesitation. She is easily the best candidate we have seen and with little time to lose we headed out, towards the foothills of the Earthspurs with this new companion traveling in our band. A few hours into our travels brings us to a tiny little roadside hut, not worthy of mention except for a friendly old woman, filled with tales of doom and a knack for knowing our names. I found this to be oddly coincidental once we had learned from the inhabitants of Falcon, our next stop, that no such roadside hut was there a couple of days ago. Furthermore it seems that the Cabal of the Crown is also walking the same grounds as us albeit just slightly sooner than we. I doubt their cause is noble given the arrogance, boast fulness, and demanding nature they had shown in Respite Run. Their efforts show them to be intimidated by our perseverance, they opt to hamstring and delay us rather than face us openly. They did not appear to be part of a trained and powerful army, but freelancers like us, but for what cause or prize? Perhaps they are an easily overlooked group that serves an important purpose into the timing of larger and much stronger forces, or maybe they are just mouthy bullies looking to cash in on the coattails of fear. The thought has also crossed my mind that they too are questing for what we seek and they view US as a Banite mercenary group looking to end their travels. Here in Falcon more evidence of the Bane influence, but we seem to be hot on their heels now, the occurrences and subversions are superficial now and the timing is much sooner to our arrival. Falcon seems a stark contrast to the entrenched scenes at Manyoak.


Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Well scribed, thoughtful and focused—thanks!

1:11 PM  
Blogger The Guru said...

I thought that you pretty much said it all, summed it up good. I had nothing else to add. Good job K.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Mithinu said...

I'm not a blade arm. I guess you'll need to pick up the slack.

5:46 AM  
Blogger Mithinu said...

The trail is hot.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Slyl said...

....a blade arm eh...i guess im picking up the slack cuz i got 1 blade in each hand....:-)

2:28 AM  
Blogger Pavel the Monk said...

Blades are overrated. Walk softly and carry a big (magical, metal-ended, indestructable, power-conducting, wrath-of-Ilmater-y) stick.

Pavel recommends.

5:53 PM  
Blogger Slyl said...

.....just wait till i cut off somethings head.....these blades are not over rated ::smiles and stares at his new dagger and plays with it::

10:18 PM  
Blogger Mithinu said...

Slyl, I just checked and the shaman is available for emergency sessions. He told me he has a new technique he'd like to try. It involves the gentle use of a lighting spell (shock treatment)

5:23 AM  
Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

SLYL! Didn't yo mamma tell you not to go playin' wit 'dem VORPAL daggers?!

9:53 PM  
Blogger Mithinu said...

I just had to get the comment count up to 10 to make Chip happy LOL :)

11:22 AM  
Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Hey all! I agree with Mithinu... its been a long time since we partied on one of Kelestri's posts. Hooray. Are we up to twenty post-responses yet?

4:43 PM  
Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Sincere commentary:

Kelestri is now the blade of the group. Dressed from head to toe with winter clothes, armor of frost, boots of the winterlands, and a newly acquired FrostCrossbow, she could rival any one of the snow-dwelling denizens of the Earthspurs.

So, how ofent does that actually happen? A Fire Genasi (fire) encased with the trappings of frost (ice)? Its true then, Kelestri is the epitome of fire-and-ice!

As Pat Benetar points out, "You come on like a flame, then you turn a cold shoulder. Fire and Ice."

1:46 PM  
Blogger Slyl said...

did you just say that kelestri is a gensai?????

....and she never told me /cry

4:10 PM  
Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

"She's hot blooded, check it and see!" -Foreigner-

P.s. Foreigner is the band that sings Hot Blooded. Although, yes, Kelestri is also a foreigner (from Calimshan). Did she mention that to you, Slyl?

6:17 AM  

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