
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Plans have been set forth in motion and it would seem that a missing Ippenshier display also figures in. Living metal was the missing display that was to be brought with Chauntean Priests. I have read of sentient swords to be in existence and a display of "living metal" being missing brings the possibility of some rather ominous news at a time when churches of Gond are already taking a lot of hassle over smokepowder. I suppose the followers of Gond will take the fall for "letting" it fall into the wrong hands, how come the mages don't fall from favor when someone blows up the east tower because some hapless colorblind imitate can't tell the difference between a foaming green liquid and bubbling aqua one? I will need to keep well on my guard, someone was following Animosus and Evan, someone either knew we were looking for Tristan or knew he has, or rather had, a piece of the puzzle. The odd thing about it all is that it seems we have all the pieces, we just can't quite figure which pieces go together quickly enough to keep out of harm's way, even our monk's sleep is troubled by it. Would Tristan have lived if we had visited him sooner that morning, or would he have just died with breakfast still in his belly? The more the pieces fall together the more I am becoming certain that I will need to learn secrets and produce proof of those legendary secrets by my very own hand. It is good that my arm is well practiced with hammer AND sword. Fortunately there have been several to wisely hold caution to the convenient heroes of the Banite church, and have done well to remain out of scrutiny. It is with these people that hope will keep company for; it is their homes and the future of their homes where hope will dwell. The rest of us can try to expose and remove the individual corruptions, but even if we can, the orcs will still come. The next few hours may provide some opportunities to remove some of the teeth of the Banite plan, a contact here, a distributor there. Our actions will all add up, they must add up. Today we dined with our other travelers, The Sentinals, some of them we have met before and they too share setbacks, they have lost one of their members, inexplicably, to some cause of the Church of Waukeen. During our discussions it would seem that this church would hold alliance to anyone with deep pockets. Kylie, the sun elf tart muse of Lief (and who knows how many countless others) has good convictions when she keeps her mind focused. Durnin is easy to get along with, simple talk, few words. I will either learn to ignore Azedo or he will become our first meal if our rations run short. Theeiras, their moon elf, seemed rather quiet, I wonder if he and Evan would feel a kinship? Haelembrar the brooding Triadic knight, not one of the Sentinals, but an addition I'm glad we fight on the same side for, he seems to have the battle hardened temper that Animosus strives for and probably still pens his mother twice every tenday. Now that Slyl-of-the-Many-Names can talk, I have a number of questions, some of which Animosus addressed, that I will ask without having to hear that incessant clicking of chalk on slate for answers. Our time to a critical junction draws near, soon more answers, and undoubtly more questions.


Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Kelestri seems both motivated in compounding ways, and fundamentally part-and-parcel of the party's collective resolve. Gond svot aber yon!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Pavel the Monk said...

Reading this blog is like watching Kelestri with the pieces of the puzzle on the table before her, cussing and flinging them from the table when they refuse to fit...

but wait...

this piece fits...and this one as well- now we're getting somewhere!

The future coalesces.

Pavel squints to see it.

9:29 AM  

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