
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Well now aren't we in a pickle, our only ways out are blocked by a wall of force, or a magically held door. Not that the door is a promise of any way out. Slyl got slammed hard by some polymorphing creature that was willing to part with information in exchange for being let go, it posed no real threat and had little knowledge of any plans bigger than its next lunch. We found an arch that was enveloped in the same kind of darkness that is a signature card for Corim, I went into to search as many of us were pretty banged up. In the darkness I found a camel spider, well, it much more found me. I thought that these were only indigenous to the south, I wonder how and why there is one this far north. I now have a camel spider leg nearly as big as the one that hangs over my grandfather's mantle but we need to travel lightly so this trophy will have to stay here. In the room of darkness we found a secret chamber that was the final resting place of Perhask-akn, who apparently was Caliph of the 7th Realm of Coramshan. I am beginning to wonder if we really ARE in Calimshan. A breathtaking find, one of substantial historical importance, one that may yet prove to be a key bargaining chip is now being held by one of us, I dare not write more of it. In our muddlings back toward the wall of force we got ambushed. Ambushed by some huge ogres, I still don't know what happened but it felt like I got smashed in the brains by an invisible brick, everything tingled beyond my comprehension, even my eyesight felt like it was tingling. Luckily not all of us felt this brain smashing tingling and were able to dispatch one of the ogres while the other one fled. With my head still tingling, the next thing I remember is Pavel walking forward wishing to talk with one of these squidhead looking things, its name is Iathuzach. I was not too comfortable how or why Pavel was now walking down a corridor to talk with this thing but the discussions were going to be done at least where I could see and maybe get off a nice eyeball crossbow shot if anything went sour. Well it would seem that these mindflayers as they are known, have some mind reading skills or something as Pavel let it see his visions and memories of the bungled Banite battle at Kurth Keep. It was by its own admission impressed by our skills and abilities and therefore was already reconsidering its previous alliance with the Banites. We will in the days to come meet another of these illithid and have been given a trigger word to alert a specific one of them as to the dissolved alliance with the Banites. In the meanwhile our options for leaving have possibly opened up, there is an old rusty lift that may be serviceable, and Pavel swears he saw several containers like what the Agony was contained in on it, yet none are there. Down we go and quite possibly down into the living quarters of Sharisa as such is stated in her journal.


Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Ohhh, Umberton's next post should be a doozie alright!

5:36 PM  

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