
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

These last few days have been arduous, my feet must smell like a bloated dead rat. Thankfully we were able to rest on dry ground. What would drive someone to WANT to live here now is beyond me. I can only imagine how beautiful this place once was but Calimport would not be Calimport if it were covered in ice even if every single building were the same. I think the swamp gas is getting to us. Animosus discarding a gempouch in the middle of a swamp? Odd? Yes. Surprisingly? Not particularly but still odd. I think he's just out of his mind with Slyl's actions of late and I suspect he would be irritated with himself for not making better use of whatever it contained. Now if Slyl were to reaquire that pouch to give Ani a second chance at making better use of its contents perhaps Animosus could view that as an olive branch, I would back Slyl on that one. We've trekked through this muck for a long time, too long, we know that this hut is SUPPOSED to be out here somewhere, and now Slyl's pointed out these footprints, Animosus suddenly feeling that "somethings up" then just as quickly discards his intuition. Call it women's intuitioin but I think we've missed our turn and with now six men in our group you think they're gonna stop and ask for directions? Not like there's any signposts or anyone around to ask, but it feels like we are about to over shoot our mark. Just when you think you are thinking straight you end up starting to think you're not thinking straight.Talking swords, okay now this is freaking me out, calm yourself Kelestri, okay I've heard that some swords can talk, I've also heard that this Morgret is a powerful witch. And now I'm really rather concerned that the swamp gas is getting to ME. The sword is calling me out like we've each had too many at the alehouse, okay, I'm gonna take the blade out, slowly, carefully. Stick it blade side down just a little bit into the soft earth, and back away from it and see if it will hold a rationale discussion. If its the blade talking, then party or not, me and this thing are gonna come to terms. However if its this Morgret, I suspect she'll try to poof in or something else like that and take it.


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