
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Finally some time in the forge to work the metals and magic. I have a very full list and fortunately the ancient dwarven texts we returned have provided much goodwill so that I can use materials without providing payment upfront, payments will still need to be made, but the value of our deeds holds great impact. I find it interesting that some customers will tell you what they want to accomplish and let you provide them their best tool while others tell you what they want to accomplish then tell you to make them a tool that is not the best tool to achieve what they want to accomplish. I believe I will have to provide what I feel is the correct item and let the results convince those customers that I made the right decision. Life around Kurth has returned, more or less, to normal. The rumors of orcish invasions are no longer heard at every street corner, market prices seem to have stabilized and it feels good to not have to rest your hand on a blade hilt just to walk to the bindery for a stewed rabbit recipe. I found this lovely red silk blouse with gold thread embroidery at the market yesterday, it was a little pricey but I think it will be perfect for the upcoming banquet that is to be held in our honour. I delivered some of my craft work today, Animosus looked really puzzled at me when I presented him what I felt was the correct tool. He was very tolerant and polite so I guess civil service held him well, but he still looked pretty dismayed. It took him a few tries to get the feel for the balance point but seemed impressed with the results once he made contact. I also delivered the matched kukris to Mauros. Angolie consigned them and paid promptly as an apparent thank you to Mauros after I endured his rather long winded story of how Mauros saved his life. Mauros, it seems, was a slave and must have been accustomed to addressing everyone as a superior, he was extremely polite and thankful. It was kind of weird hearing him talk, he had that same distant tone that a couple of our servants had back home. Tomorrow I will finish working on, and maybe even deliver Slyl's blade and Lief's blade. I hesitated putting an activation word on Slyl's blade considering we all thought he was mute the first several days we knew him but it seemed to be the right choice now that we know he can speak. I am saddened that I cannot gift Pavel with an item crafted by my own skills though I suspect he would try to convince me that he would not be allowed to accept if I had tried, he has been my rock and would make a fine and devoted husband for nearly any woman.


Blogger The Guru said...

The kukris are magnificent. I cannot thank you enough. I am amazed by your skill.

I look forward to attending this banquet with you and your friends.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Slyl said...

...pavel your husband... slyl crys slighty

2:43 AM  
Blogger Kelestri said...

......NEARLY any woman......

4:36 PM  
Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Nice post - I'll comment on the integrity of the red silk when I see you.

12:54 PM  

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