
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The rain continued today, Bromar and I set arrangements for the pyre, interesting, seems some magics were put to use for the day also as the rain fell but glanced to the sides keeping us and the nearby area dry like some unseen roofing. Bromar said something about an air elemental but I didn't quite catch all of it. My mind kept wandering to Alyona, poor sweet thing, her head must already be astew and then I go and add to it. My original thoughts that Alyona was in her room sorting her feelings was dead wrong. Marina seemed quite distraught that Alyona was not in attendance to the pyre. From appearance of her room and belongings she was sorting out her feelings all right, but certainly not in her room. At least she had the sense to prepare for journey. It was really quite awkward asking for payment from Marina with the pyre still furnace hot, but I couldn't spare giving Alyona any further head start. Smart girl, made it evident where she was heading without giving too much away. I was glad that Animosus and the others followed in my haste to catch up with Alyona. Bromar must have had a real itch to get out for a bit, I understand he was pretty commanding when it came to obtaining mounts to speed our travel.
I nearly got bounced right off my horse with all the rain, the wet slippery leather and the highspeed riding, barely managed to keep hold of the horse, let me tell you, shoeing a horse is a bit different than riding one in a downpour.
After a bit the woods got thick, very suddenly. Not very far in we found a goblin with scorch marks in his chest and another horse, my guess was that Alyona slid one out the back door when the stableboy wasn't paying attention, rode up to near where we are now, came across the goblin and then who knows what. I got jumped by a couple of wolves, but they were smarter than wolves, really smart, hit and run tactics, an eriey look of knowledge in their eyes. The one got a good bite on my right leg, found a gap in the armor just behind my knee. They also got Slyl, really badly, he dropped and was bleeding a lot. After he was revived, he had the look of hate in his face, cut the wolf thing's head clean off, crimeny man, the thing was dead, cutting its head off isn't going to make it any more dead. In midst of battle a few arrows came in, I initally figured it was Corim, but it was another goblin, I'm still not sure if the goblin was aiming for us or the wolvish things, I understand they are know as Wargs? I guess we'll never know what that goblin was aiming at because in the heat of battle Animosus cut the goblin in half, not through the gut in half, stem to stern in half. Damn, he is formidable in that armor, its like it was made just waiting to find him. I tried to apologize for being so abrupt with him before, he was kind of quiet. I also told him that from a woman's eye he's a lot cuter when he doesn't walk around like he has a four yard staff riveted to the seat of his armor. I don't think he took that very well. If he'd loosen up some he could probably land as many women, maybe more, than Skippy Leafjumper the Bedhopping Heartbreaker. I'm glad that Leif hasn't tried anything stupid with me or has treated me like some dingbat tart muse, I might miss hearing his music after I broke his arm, no on second thought, I would miss his music. Great now I'm thinking I should probably protect him and his lute or I may be stuck listening to Bromar recite Dwarven poetry to pass the time. Very well, I'll protect pretty boy as long as he keeps his fingers on his lute, I should probably convey that to him when we have a watch together.


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