
Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Arrrrghhh.... so much has happenend in such little time. It was so simple, guard the funeral parade, be visible, be courteous, get paid and I would be on my way. How did it get so fouled up? First we completely missed seeing an archer in the bell tower of the building we were in for the services, repugnative bastard that has to shoot an unarmed woman from hiding. How pathetic. Fortunately Animosus carted Marina off and I covered Alyona while Corim and Slyl cornered and caught that spineless bowman. So the music pipes back up the crowd calms and we march on over to the Three Torches. The viewing goes smoothly until a couple of unsavory fellows show up stuffing some paper in Marina's face spouting off about a legal writ of seizure. Corim asked to see the paper saying he knows something about these writs. Really rather odd, but maybe he was an apprentice to a publican somewhere or something, maybe even that older fellow he was traveling with. Well we convinced them that now is not the best time, they very reluctantly left. Animosus was really concerned about the townsmaster who supposedly wrote that document and went to check things out there, I took the time to impress upon our spineless bowman who was being detained in a local cell my opinion of cowardly ambushes. Well Animosus comes back and we find out the townsmaster had been beaten about and forced to write the letter of seizure. We were trying to figure out why all this was happenening, what these Cloaks of Mulmaster wanted with their forcibly obtained writ and what could possibly be so important in the strikingly beautiful tomes that Unther wanted burned. I can still remember the sheepish look on Bromar's face when he showed me the page, Oh Gond, why did he show me that page, why did I read it? Some of the others got really itchy when I didn't want to show them, I should have just burned it right then and followed Unther's wishes, why did I read it? I gave it to Marina, to let defer to her, her husband's rights. She ordered Alyona to her room, then allowed the others to read what they'd be safer not knowing. I caught up with Alyona and did the only thing I could think of to keep at least one other safer. Dinner was interupted by some animated skeletons that caused a huge brawling ruckus and they seemed to enjoy causing mayhem and getting dashed to pieces in the process of doing so. Leif, yes Leif, even sprung into action, literally, hurling himself at a skeleton crashing to the floor and slamming it into the table legs and chairs until the bones went still. I think he may still be shaking from the experience. I suspect the skeletons were a decoy as before the last one crumbled we noticed, well rather Corim noticed, that the door the Cloaks of Mulmasters wanted past was forced open. One guess who was inside those forced open doors once the confusion subsided. My own blade seemed almost hungry and glowed with a green speckly glow, never seen it do that before, just before slicing deep into the mage still cantling his arcanes. Slyl delivered a spectacular blow that sent bottles and pouches skittering across the floor. The two swordsmen that accompanied these Cloaks wisely opted a peaceable surrender. Much more to write about but my eyes grow heavy for tonight.


Blogger The Dungeon Master said...

Excellent post, Kelestri. Wonderful story commentary!

7:30 PM  

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