Scribings of Kelestri


Passionate, mercurial, strong, educated & cultured.

Monday, July 23, 2007

I... I cannot yet fathom what all has happened, I am not even sure it is all true. We entered the temple and were attacked almost immediately, but that is not the part that is baffling, the others claim that Pavel has slain Claudia and she has borne a child. Claudia was not full in the belly to produce such a child, and now Pavel is gone, I mean not as wartorn corpse but as if he never existed, all that is left is his robes and belongings. Claudia is without marking or evidence of any battle, yet there is this child, a child that she clutches to her breast reactively protective like a mother. This place is heavily laden with traps and we have paid heavy prices for not being able to be aware of them and to bypass them without harm. My head is still spinning, Pavel is gone. What is going on? I fear I am going mad, I have been hearing a voice in my head, the voice of supposedly my blade, but the blade, hasn't spoken before this swamp. Thoughts leap into my head that make no sense, yet sometimes they do make sense, I try to explain my thoughts and that seems to help but everyone keeps giving me puzzled looks. Pavel has lead us to this temple, that here is were the evil is that I have been borne to fight, that perhaps even my blade was borne to fight, Pavel's last steps were here, and here I know my path lies. He has not failed to direct me yet again but what now, how is it that Mystra guides me now by a blade that has found conciousness, if the words of the others is true, that Pavel had given his existance so that Claudia may live was that his sign that I should now look to Claudia for guidance for my footsteps so that I am doing what Mystra has charted for my doing? We are now squaring against things I've not even heard of, not in the scariest of stories, things that have come from the depths of history, abominations of gods and demons and worse. History itself almost seems to be rewriting itself, things that were only once long ago are now here and now, things that seemed true only days ago seem less meaningful than ancient texts that have been long forgotten. Schulan has a former wife and now a concubine that want to face each other to mortal death, or are they one in the same looking to be reunited, two halves wanting to be whole again? Schulan has been the only constant in this whole mess, his involvement has been included from the moment we entered Kurth, probably sooner. Is he trying to reunite all the former powers of Jurgal and his reward is to become a stag headed lich himeself, the creature he and the rest of the CTS managed to destroy?